Facebook Stalking consists of monitoring Facebook activities of Facebook users.
Like regular (cyber)stalking,
Facebook stalking allows the stalker to secretly gather information about the
stalkee but, unlike regular (cyber)stalking, Facebook stalking is not illegal as it's the stalkee self that spontaneously posts information online about him/herself.
As you might know, posting contents on Facebook (or anywhere else online) means publishing content.
Facebook stalking is generally accepted by the
voyeuristic victims but sometimes they complain being *stalked*. This shows either ignorance in the use of these
new media platforms (and in the law) or eagerness to accuse their neighbor of the very same evil they suffer from. In psychology this behavior is called projection.
In addition, being a Facebook user stalked for real or not, nobody can know it, due to strict Facebook rules which prevent users to know who visited their profile.